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Blood Group Analysis

Blood Typing:

Blood typing is a method to tell what type of flood you have. blood typing is done so you can safely donate your blood aur receiver blood transfusion. it is also done to see if you have a substance called Rh Factor on the surface of your red blood cells. these proteins are called antigens. your blood type(or blood group) up depends on what types your parents passed down to you.


Read cells from the specimen or reacted with reagent antiscra( anti-A and anti- B). Agglutination of red cells indicates presence of of corresponding antigen( agglutinogen) on red cells.


Capillary blood from finger Prick, aur venous blood in connected in EDTA anticoagulant.


Monoclonal antibodies( Anti-A,B and D)

Blood lancet

Alcohol swabs

Toothpicks Anta

Sterile cotton ball

Clean glass slide

Ice tray

Biohazard disposal container


1.Set the the table with all the materials required. Remember to place Monoclonal Antibody(Mab)

2.Open an alcohols swab, and rabbit at the area from where the blood will be sample( finger tip)( discard the swab)

3.Open the lancet cover, put pressure at the tip of the finger from where the blood will be sampled( 4.Maintain it). Prick the fingertip with the open Lancet.( discard the lancet)

5.As blood starts oozing out, make one drop fall on the three depressions of the glass slide.( in clinical setup, there will be a fourth well used as a control) .

6.Place a cotton ball at the site where it was pricked. using the thumb, put pressure on the area to stop blood flow.

7.Take the anti-A(blue) bottle, resuspend the content it and use the dropper to place a drop of the Mab in the first spot. place the bottle back in ice.

8.Take the Anti -B( yellow) bottle, resuspend the content and use the dropperto place a drop of the Mab in the second spot .Place the bottle back in ice.

9.Take the Anti-D(colorless) bottle,resuspend the content and use the dropper to place a drop of the Mab in the third spot.Place the bottle back in the ice.

10.Take a tooth pick and mix the content in each well.Discard the tooth pick after using in one well(take a new for the next well).

11.After mixing,wait for a while to observe the result.

Anti-A Anti-B Blood Group

+ - A

- + B

+ + AB

- - O

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